my peculiar circumstances |
updated 080808
prelude" . ... .. ...... it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law."
- from the Preamble of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I never had any intention of putting this on the net today but for an incident that happened some time back. An apparition appeared at my door ( this time there was a body guard as well - that was very sensible! ) almost exactly at 1400hrs just when i am up and about for the first time in the day - i was indeed cooking my breakfast. obviously it was a well planned move.
This apparition (or other similar ones - could be female ) has always been the harbinger of doom. And before i am doomed i want to put few facts that i had in my mind in the public domain. the idea is that if the apparition and co. succeeds in their efforts and i am not there, some humanitarian can pick up the threads in public interest.
for quite some time now, I was trying to draft a petition to the apex court as a prelude to my taking the cue from the preamble of the united nations universal declaration of human rights.
It is far easier to defend yourself than file a petition on your own and win the case for the onus of proof is on the plaintiff. but all my teasing and taunting has not been able to bring out the "gentlemen" and they are still in hiding but carrying on using their stooges to achieve their ends. that means i have to initiate the procedure myself.
Incidentally one thing i have noticed is that the greatest admirers of the spy are sexually frustrated females (SFF) mostly those in the menopausal stage and those younger ones who are not married yet and hanker for sex. An elaborate discussion on that aspect will follow later. for the time being i would leave them with the suggestion that they follow the advice of Dr. Josselyn elders. in fact in one of my net casts i had suggested that locally easily available substitutes be used.
By the way i saw a picture of Josselyn on the net recently and i have a copy saved on my disk. i really admire such outspoken characters. But they all are usually made to pay for their outspokenness. the most recent example is that Clinton campaign manager who had to resign because she made a particular remark. don't ask me what, for i am not going to tell you; but i believe what she said was very true.
and now that Hillary is out i have given up following the American election; and, i sincerely hope that the veteran wins - i like the individual .
Well, my petition work has been dragging on. The reason - multi-factorial; and i will mention a few here.
Even an experienced lawyer will find it difficult to put up a case like the one i am trying to. The subject is very tricky. I have been trying out one mode of presentation after the other, exactly like the dog with half a coconut, and ultimately after a long time have decided on a particular one.
Another factor of moment is the inherent laziness - i don't start working till the last moment like for example i did today after the appearance of the apparition.
I am fighting a shadow. i cannot even in my wildest of dreams expect any one to give evidence supporting me. The material proof i have is scanty and even there i have to take calculated risks!
what i am putting on the net today is a very critical part. It is not ESP but simple straight forward common sense and logical reasoning. also my hunches usually are right and has almost always worked for me.
i understand there are situations at least as per international law where the onus of proof is on the defendant and i am making an effort to put my case in that realm. that is where torture comes in handy.
but even after all the preparations, I am not very sure i will ever reach the stage of filing the petition. The fact of the matter is that many an influential person and groups of persons have got themselves implicated in my case under the impression that i can be taken for granted and they can do anything and get away with it. If i survive to put the matter before a court and if i get a fair and public hearing i am quite capable of exposing these great people. so i have to be stopped some how or other. that is a must for the stakes are real big.
murder is messy; so what is being planned is a "therapeutic murder". It could be possible that the apparition and his ADC appeared on the scene as a prelude to that. So i am in a hurry and am putting up a beta version on the net. If i get time i will be making it more presentable and more informative. for the moment i am keen on one particular aspect of the story which i feel should come out into the open at least in the interest of posterity.
As i said earlier what i am depending on is simple logical reasoning. I had this hunch from the very beginning but i was knowingly putting up another version for circulation in the hope of springing a surprise. But now there is a possibility that i may not be able to spring the surprise at all i would rather give up the element of surprise in lieu of a chance to put the facts in the public domain.
What follows is a continuation of the part of the petition i had put on line long back . i hope you remember the first part, the introduction and the house break incident that happened in bn 400 ( if not, please click on the links below to go to those pages ). i am taking up the thread from there on.
episode00 |
episode01 |
now please go ahead and read about
my peculiar circumstances
episode 02 |
An ex-service officer, and a service pensioner of the kerala government, the petitioner has no criminal record whatsoever and never had any brushes with the law of the land, not even a case of traffic rule violation, till date. All the same, the petitioner has been at the receiving end of the criminal activities of a gang of plain clothes men from the spy net works of the government. the petitioner has been suffering the torture for more than a decade now.
The above gang of criminal elements getting paid by the government has all through been in hiding and carrying on their nefarious activities by proxy through their hired thugs from amongst the obliging populace of Thiruvananthapuram. All that is visible outside to the petitioner is a gang of destitute old men who do the biddings of the spy and, the pBirds let loose in the vicinity to scent mark the spy's territory.
Every one of the basic fundamental rights of the petitioner guaranteed by the indian constitution are being trampled upon with impunity by the spies, abusing their tremendous clout with the officialdom.
The atrocities perpetrated on the petitioner by these government "officers" are a disgrace to even the most primitive of societies and can never even be imagined to happen in any civilized society. The methods adopted are on par or even worse than the blinding by injecting acid into the eyes of under-trials in bihar or with making human being eat human faeces as was done in the police lock ups in Kerala.
The torture methods here however are more sophisticated, befitting the "standards" of the ace spies of the government. The spy knows that murder is messy - for various reasons. For one there is a body to be disposed of and , for the other, human beings are naturally scared of death and the local gentry might turn around once the fellow who has been tormented by them all through is dead or killed. so what is being aimed at here is a "therapeutic murder" with the help of "experts" in the field carrying out the execution using "sophisticated" techniques. The ghastliest of the criminal acts of these agents of the government directed against the petitioner happened on a February night in 2003.
The petitioner then was putting up in a rented house in kattela srikaryam in the outskirts of thiruvananthapuram city. This was in an effort to shake off the spies and get some peace and do a bit of reading for he still believed that there was light at the end of the tunnel and was aspiring to get his MD degree.
One night in February 2003 the petitioner who was asleep in his bed room woke up at about 0300hrs in the early morning and found that his bed sheet was soaked in blood. A picture of the blood soaked bed sheet along with a picture of the mattress underneath which had mopped up the blood is produced herewith and marked exhibit P00. i have the bed sheet preserved as it is, without washing, for the last five years. It could contain tell-tale DNA evidence.
The blood was in the region of the bed where the waist would be. The first thing that occurred to the petitioner was that it could be from the urethra. He went to the toilet and to his great relief found that the urine was clear; obviously the blood had not originated from the urinary tract or, for that matter, from the anus. There were no visible wounds, neither fresh wounds nor old ones which could have gaped, or other injuries, on the parts of the petitioner's body visible to him. i am an ordinary mortal and not a two faced Janus, who could see his anus! leave alone my lumbar spine.
The petitioner does not suffer from any bleeding diathesis and never had an episode of such severe bleeding from his body before that black night in February 2003 and it never recurred. after this incident i used to not only ensure that i bolt my bed room door , but locked it up as well from the inside where possible, for otherwise i might find myself waking up in nizar's custody!
The petitioner is convinced that a highly invasive and very dangerous, potentially lethal, diagnostic procedure was carried out on him without his permission or his knowledge even, that too, by breaking into his private residence in the dead of the night and putting him out.
The particular procedure could not have been performed by any one other than a medical doctor. taking into account the circumstances of this case, the most likely scenario is that at least one medical doctor trained in anaesthesia was involved in this crime which is in contravention of all ethical norms of the medical profession and a serious criminal offence under the various sections of the indian penal code.
The petitioner is not aware of any "specialist" doctors appointed to the spy net works by the government to perform this sort of "operations" - like the ones who administer "truth serum" in this country and those who "assist" in giving the lethal injections in judicial executions in certain "civilized" countries. if that is so, the person must in all likelihood have come from medical college trivandrum.
i wonder whether a practising anaesthetist will risk his career and perform such a dastardly act. But in my case people are ready to take risks because they are aware that any body can do anything to me and get away with it . it could be that the actual culprit is some one who had worked in the anaesthesia department but could not make the grade to get into a post graduation or a permanent posting and had perforce shifted to a non-clinical discipline. He could show off to the spies and if he nurses a grudge against the petitioner this will be the chance of a life time for him - this is the most humiliating situation the petitioner can visualise for himself.
Whoever this person would be, i suggest he should go to the us and assist George bush's men in pushing the cocktail into those tied up helpless human beings - i am sure you can make lot of money that way and the vicarious pleasure will be a bonus.
by the way, i read somewhere that twelve percent of those judicially executed in us were later known to have nothing to do with the crime they were found guilty of and for which they received the death sentence!
A neighbour of the petitioner's, who was sent to his gate a few days prior to this incident by the spies to provoke an altercation, had during the harangue told the petitioner that the plain clothes policemen were trailing the petitioner to "look after" (nokki natathan) him as per the orders of his mother. that is the gestapo's claim.
I have left my home for good way back in 1975. After that the only time i met the person who i believe is my mother was in 1985 in another person's house in Chennai for a few minutes. She must be about eighty years old now. As i knew her in the late nineteen sixties she was not even a matriculate and was a simple house wife.
it is interesting to find that my mother who never ever bothered over all these years to see if i was getting one square meal a day or whether i was going to bed on an empty stomach, had on her own, arranged a battalion of plainclothes men to trail me.
Again even if my mother wants me dead, i have no intention of obliging her right at the moment. Thank you gestapo!.
whichever way it is, the fact is that i was being trailed by plainclothes men in those days as well of course with malafide intentions whatever be the facade. So the break in could NOT have happened without the knowledge of the "security personal". the petitioner firmly believes that whatever has happened under cover of darkness that night was stage managed by the spies trailing the petitioner in the name of the "looking after".
There is no way the petitioner can identify the spies. But the powers that be of medical college thiruvananthapuram in general and the dept of physiology in particular who were hand in glove with the spies in their various nefarious activities were actively involved in this particular atrocity as well and can be easily exposed and brought to b0ok.
The petitioner has strong reason to believe that the then principal medical college Thiruvananthapuram, who as far as the petitioner's information goes was a practising psychiatrist, along with his chum the police surgeon and (encounter specialist, sorry!) enquiry specialist, were the master minds behind this atrocity.
In the period immediately following the above incident, the then Head of the Department of Physiology (HoD) of Medical College, Trivandrum stopped allotting classes to the petitioner. This, the petitioner feels was a sequel to the happenings in his bed room on that night in February 2003 and the hod obviously was, at the least, aware of the happenings and what followed. later on in 2004, i came to know during the course of a litigation that the head of the department (HoD) had some time in 2002 sent a complaint to the principal that i was refusing to take classes allotted to me. What followed was another spy style covert operation about which and the reason for making the complaint i will elaborate in one of the ensuing instalments. but the relevant fact here is that it was the same person who months later all together stopped allotting classes to me. during those days, a professor of the same department had made an effort to help the petitioner with his MD thesis work. she was stopped in her tracks by the hod probably after sharing the information gathered by the "security" operation.
The practice in the olden times, as the petitioner knows of it is, that after drilling a six centimeter deep hole in your back, cotton dipped in tincture benzoin is used to seal the hole to prevent infection and stop bleeding. But then there was a possibility of the petitioner coming to know of what had happened. The philanthropic physicians of Medical College, Trivandrum and the spies did not want to take this risk. the result was the bleeding. it was very much possible that the petitioner could have bled to death!
i do not have any idea what was the result that came out of this "operation" on that beautiful February night in 2003. if it is civilized human beings who were behind this operation the first thing they would do in case of a problem being detected is to treat the condition. I never got any treatment, not with my knowledge at least. The basic idea was just to brand me and hand me over to the gestapo to do as they pleased. and in march 2003, the plain clothes men trailing the petitioner on the road in front of the university college were calling out "bhranthananne". Not only the head of the department of physiology of medical college trivandrum but even the lowest ranking police men, that means every petty criminal in thiruvananthapuram are privy to the details of this "secret" operation. the main difference here is that i can identify the hod but not the policeman. so i will have to concentrate on this particular female . The result is that the petitioner is being treated as a vegetable. in fact in the year 2004 in the ernakulam, under an illusion that i was being given a chance to argue my case, i started with the statement in the open court - "i am being treated as a vegetable". But that was all i could say, for the case was not to be heard that day. and after that it got postponed, postponed and postponed and again postponed till i retired from service. Did the opposite party get the hunch of what was going to come and wanted to avoid it and hence the postponements ad infinitum ? most likely and not only the members of the spy net works of the government and their stooges in various governmental and non governmental organizations, any antisocial element in thiruvnanthapuram can do any thing to the petitioner and get away with it
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my message to the "intelligentsia" |
my message to the "intelligentsia", that is the gestapo and the SFF of mCt in particular and their stooges in thiruvananthapuram (who show those gestapo gestures the moment they sight me now a days i hardly ever come out of my house into the courtyard or even veranda so as to avoid the sign language communications from some of the intellectual giants in the vicinity ) in general is that whatever be the results you have produced in your covert operation, it does not prove what you claim you have proved; no, not a bit.
in spite of all your "findings" i can still take care of you; rest assured you will get your rewards.
the top brass of the gestapo probably are aware of this fact. they also know that they can get away with their gimmicks with certain jokers, but not with me. they have learnt the lesson the hard way - got their fingers badly burnt in previous attempts.
he who rides a tiger cannot get down; the indian gestapo is bogged down and is desperate. his female accomplices from the SFF are shit scared - the net castings from my home computer are well received far and wide thanks to the gestapo and co. and, That probably is the reason the apparition has appeared again after such a long interval.
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but there is a catch - i require a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal ( ref. Article 10 of united nations universal declaration of human rights) and that can happen only in a country where there is rule of law; not in the jungles of thiruvananthapurm or ernakulam where neanderthals rule the roost.
Is there such a thing called independent and impartial tribunal in this country ? Am i going to get a fair and public hearing? Well, i am going to find out soon. The appearance of the apparition has expedited the process and i probably have come out of the slumber; thank you very much!
in case i fail there as well ? don't worry; every eventuality has been catered for. I will take the cue from the preamble of the united nations universal declaration of human rights:
" . ... .. ...... it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law."
thank you.
and simply put that means - take the law in your own hands! but that is going to be the last resort.
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updated 080808
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blood letting the culprit stealth fighter 2003 the victim the pimp
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