fact file
updated 081010
The petitioner averrs that every one of the problems he has faced in his life during the last quarter century, and every stumbling block in the path of his leading a normal, quiet, healthy and fruitful life, has been, and still is, the result of the covert criminal activities of members of the spy net works of the government let loose on the petitioner. The petitioner has been suffering the torture for more than a decade now.
The above gang of plain clothes men from the spy net works of the government have all through, been in hiding. All that is visible out side to the petitioner is a band of derelict, destitute, and mostly old, men who do the biddings of the spy and, the pBirds let loose in the vicinity to "scent mark" the spy's territory.
The grapevine has it that it is a plain clothes police man who calls himself "cbi officer" and his stooges from other spy net works like the "special branch" of the local police who is behind these atrocities.
The basic fundamental rights of the petitioner guaranteed by the Indian Constitution are being trampled upon with impunity by the spies.
denial of livelihoodThe petitioner is being prevented from utilizing his time fruitfully; he is not allowed to eke out a living, take up a job and supplement his meagre pension which is his sole income at present.
In spite of having an MBBS degree and permanent registration with the medical council, experience as a clinician and in administering hospitals in the indian army and as a faculty member of government medical colleges in kerala, over and above a first class degree in life sciences, the petitioner has spent the last three years of his life in the seclusion of his rented house doing the work of a house maid. the above fact becomes all the more jarring in the context of the acute shortage of health professionals at all levels in the under developed countries of the world.
denial of social lifeKind courtesy the embargo declared on the petitioner by the spies social life of any sort has become impossible and even petty mundane existence has become an ordeal.
incommunicadoFor all practical purposes the petitioner is being kept incommunicado. Not only his home telephone and internet connection but even postal articles are being intercepted and tampered with at will.
violation of personal space and break-insThe petitioner personal space is being violated. He has strong reason to believe that his house is being broken into and ransacked in the name of "security" and his hard earned personal property stolen and destroyed.
detailed account of these activities with proof will be appearing in the following issuesMODUS OPERANDI
The spies are acutely aware of the fact that they do not stand a chance in a straight fight with the petitioner - their top brass has learnt it the hard way during previous encounters with the petitioner. The spies (it is a plain clothes police man who calls himself "cbi officer" and his stooges from other spy net works like the "special branch" of the local police ) therefore have always been in hiding, ensures that they never come into direct confrontation with the petitioner and restrict themselves to covert operations.
The overt criminal activities of the spies directed at the petitioner are carried out by proxy through the obliging members of the local population drawn from all strata of society, from the hired thugs from the streets of Thiruvananthapuram to senior members of officialdom and unscrupulous members of the professional classes.
Many a time the spy's handymen are not regular offenders but those drawn into crime confident that there will not be any retribution,in view of the spy's assurance of safe passage, and the helplessness of the petitioner's situation. Once these handymen get themselves implicated, it becomes that it is in their interests as well to see that the petitioner is done for.
(leave alone the chap "the tapper" of the night in feb 2003 for the time being) just visualise g. sujathan, the police surgeon, facing jyothi live, in a court of law - it is a question of their very existence!
and what about the culprits in what followed later on in those sacred precincts in ernakulam?! if you or any body else thinks that the illiterate me is going to leave alone the "learned" "gentlemen" and the "lady", you are sadly mistaken - it is just a question of time.
the petitioner is still at large in spite of the grandiose delusions of the spy (it is a plain clothes police man who calls himself "cbi officer" and his stooges from other spy net works like the so called "special branch" of the local police ) and his paramours of getting rid of him in no time.
So these handymen of the spies, perforce had to join the spy's band wagon and continue extending more than a helping hand. and the bandwagon starts to roll with more and more people jumping on to it as time passes by like in the story of the goose with the golden fleece!
The spy's strategy is to
a. stop the petitioner from pursuing a career, deprive him of a livelihood, and make him dependant on others,
b. get him declared a "vegetable" and
c. hand him over to the "relatives", whose job it is to ensure that the "last rites" are performed within a couple of months of the hand over.
The petitioner has a certain amount of personal charm and left alone can get along with people famously. He has proved that he is capable of establishing himself under the most taxing of circumstance and had survived in all sorts of situations in spite of the malicious slander campaign.
The spy (it is a plain clothes police man who calls himself "cbi officer" and his stooges from other spy net works like the so called "special branch" of the local police ) has learnt it the hard way that once the petitioner settles down it is beyond the spy's capabilities to dislodge him. So for his plans to succeed the spy has to ensure that the petitioner is not allowed to gain a foothold anywhere. Hence preventive action is the first priority.
It is with this aim in mind that a battalion of plainclothes men and their paid informers are put on "security duty" on the petitioner.
It is with this aim a bunch of "relatives " have been manufactured who are only too eager to act as the petitioner's next of kin and do the biddings of the spy. The fact that the petitioner does not have an immediate family makes the next of kin appointment a coveted post with the candidates scrambling to get there first. the "apparitions" are drooling already!
The brief of the plainclothesmen and their stooges trailing the petitioner, amongst other things, is to:
a. harass the petitioner and unsettle him by unleashing the local antisocial elements on him;
b. carry out a slander campaign and poison the minds of the people with whom the petitioner has to deal with on personal an/or official business and prejudice them against the petitioner, and
c. last but not least, and perhaps the most important strategy, to cook up evidence to support "the dementia hypothesis ".
The grapevine has it that the plainclothes man's explanation for trailing the petitioner is that they have been entrusted with the job of "looking after" the petitioner by his mother worried about the welfare of her son who is an imbecile and is not capable of managing his own affairs.
The petitioner's conclusion is that an old woman in her late seventies, who is a simple house wife and is not even a matriculate, is being terrorised by the policemen and forced to do their bidding in order to provide a veneer of legality to their criminal acts directed at the petitioner.
The petitioner also understands that a terrorist twist, that the petitioner's life is under threat by extremists, has been added to the script. This, the petitioner presumes is with the main intention of ensuring that the regular spies of the government like the IB also get a slice of the action. This will also make available the added liberties such set ups have on the telecommunication services and other similar set ups in this country in order to make more and more deep incursions into the personal liberties of the petitioner.
The petitioner accepts that it is very much possible that his life is under threat from "extremists". But this particular brand of "extremists" are regular employees of the spy networks of the government or the paid informers of the spies.
What is happening on ground is that one group of spies pull from one side and the the other group from the other side and a vicious atmosphere of tension is manufactured around the petitioner and the spies start fishing in the waters, deliberately muddied by the spies themselves, for that very purpose.
whatever be the excuse the police men may have put up for their activities directed at the petitioner, the only real reason is sheer malice and disrespect for the rule of law and basic human rights . . . . .
to be continued.viceman
updated 081010* * *
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