Tips Puter 070627


puter tips


i can assure you with one hundred percent certainty my home computers are being net worked wirelessly. i am just a humble user who is under the mercy of the criminal who takes over as the administrator.

i have been getting a lot of crashes and non functioning programs like say the printer not working or the word processor showing two fingers at you and that sort of a thing. after the certain stage the only way out is format the disk partition with the ops and reload the whole thing. and if you have to load the ops and all the applications it is going to take a whole day if not more. you require to do it once in a blue moon; but what about me who has to do it almost fornightly?

well i have evolved a way out. you usually have your ops on drive c meaning the first partition on your hard disk. what i do is after installing the ops and all the applications and even configuring e-mail and net connections and all i install a bare win 98 on another partition (sayD). only thing is that you have to ensure that microsoft back up is also installed.

after booting up from this partition (D) back up the whole c partition on to d or any other partition on the disk other than C. then change over ( how do you do that?) and reboot from partition c and carry on.

once gestapo spoils your system irreparably you reboot from drive D format the drive c fully and open the back up and restore it back on drive C.

now you can reboot and the system will go back to c with all the applications and all ready for use afresh till the gestapo or his pimp damages it again. this reinstallation is over in less than ten minutes. that is less than it will take for you to set up your printer afresh!

what do you think of this technique? (this is all evolved by me out of sheer desperation; i dont have any one to help me in any way) are you aware of any similar techniques ?

the catch is how to effect the change of the choice of booting from one partition to the other at wil - in this case c to d or vice versa! how do you do that? you need only manipulate a small file; i will tell you next time. for now try to find it out yourself.

the snag is that i know how to do it in win 98 and have no idea of any thing similar with XP. could you help me there?

gestapo at it again

well, it need not work always. last night after my printer and all stopped functioning i tried to install this back up on to c drive. i did not have it on the hard disk so i tried using the ms back up file i had saved on a cd.

it is easier to restore the back up from the hard drive. so i tried to copy the ms back up on to one of the hard drive. it went on till there was just ten seconds left and then got stuck. and the whole system got frozen. i had no alternative but to shut down.

i rebooted and tried to install the files from the cd direct. every thing went well till only one file more was there to be copied and again the system got stuck. this time i had formatted the c drive and the root files were lost and so i was in trouble. how do i get out of that.

a way out

rather than use the files from the cd i substituted the cd with second hdd on which the back files were there; rebooted from that disk and restored the files on the first partition of the first HDD.

the printer started working - but that was past 0400 hrs. probably the gestapo had finished his hours on "duty" and had left and i could print out a letter to my former mistress - i will sleep over it now and final decision whether to send it or not will be decided after a fresh look on the matter. want to know the conetents and other details of that letter? ask the gestapo; ring up +91(471)2357704!


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070625_12:36:48 PM: i just now booted my puter, that was after another attack of cataplexy and i got a warning message - the system was shut down due to a thermal event ( over heating) contact the manufacturer.
anybody will get upset, no? but NOT me. I ignore the message and start the system , and am at it again, making some notes.

This has been what is going on for quite some time now. You hear the tick tack of the UPS and ultimately the system conks off. Earlier it used to reboot on its own even when the choice in the bios is to stay off. The latest is the thermal event

I had another shut down right now and am again at it after installing the intel monitor software which warns me about any temperature rise. But i can assure you there is no temperature rise at all right now. The processor is not over heated and i am not going to service the puter; thank you gestapo

( i had a couple of shut downs later on during the time i was typing this out but after installing intel's monitoring software which comes free with this main board there has been no more warnings of thermal event and asking me to take the system for servicing! it just conks off that is all- added later in the day. )

incidentally the UPS i use can be programmed to shut down automatically; but i have not installed the software which has to be purchased at extra cost. But last time i was reinstalling the xp a message came during the set up asking me whether a hard ware some thing connectd with the battery is to be installed or not! I don't remember the message very clearly but am sure that the word battery was there! What is that ?

(the problem now a days is that my digicam is not with me and i don't have any way of recording the phenomena appearing on my puter screen when the set up is on and such eventualities like when the puter says it had a thermal problem. I don't know in what shape it is going to come back to me for the digicam has become a thorn in the flesh of the gestapo and i am sure there will be an effort to manipulate it.)


earlier i used to have a look at the newspapers in the public library on my frequents outings to the city (you dont have to pay anything there and once you take a membership with a deposit of 400INR the library is all yours. one of the main attractions i found was the old editions of time magazine two of which one can take home and keep for ten days - yes, it is a yankee magazine; but many a time, they come up with very good articles) Now a days i keep to my house and hardly move out. and so i depend mostly on the net for information. it was with this intention only that i got on to the net last thursday night. Initially i had a look at manorama online. it is a local news paper and so has all sorts of local news in it; and one can read it on the computer screen in malayalam - if i am not mistaken they have developed a malayalam font of their own. later i logged on to and after i saw a couple of pages i started getting messages the pages can no more be loaded.

You can always say that there is some problem with the web site. Well; it is not that; i can assure you. I am not supposed to read any of the articles which give certain type of information like say medicine or advanced technology. The moment i access them i will start getting messages that they cannot be loaded. It is not a new phenomenon. For example, earlier when i used to try to access the bmj there used to be lots of confusion If i register for their customised alerts i will never get them.
(now a days every thing there is on payment only and i carefully avoid their site. i think it is not just like that that richard smith left!)

I cannot imagine even in my wildest of dreams that these organizations of international repute will take pains to stop me from accessing their webpages. Only one person on this earth is capable of doing it - the indian gestapo and of course his pimps.


however there is nothing much i can do about it; so better make the best of a bad situation, and i tried some porn sites (? what daddy wanted and what the physician prescribed was pure alcohol: take it from me they are not BAD). Absolutely no problem! i could down load all sorts of pictures ( some of the nudes are really cute with their invitingly erect clits) and i could even access porn videos online. Later still i got to a porn literature site and down loaded a good many, containing all sorts of stories about all sorts of things. Again no problem! the fact of the matter is that this is something the gestapo understands and is keen on. so there is no harm in my watching them.

It is a long time since i had read this type of literature and i found that they make interesting reading (meaning i got turned on) and continued with it till the next day.


Later i thought rather than stare into the computer screen and spoil my eyesight i would get a print out of the articles and i could read it as a bed time story.

Well; my printer refused to print the pdf file! So i copied the text and pasted it into a word processor (good old star office 5 ) and got it printed. (When i try to install my printer on this xp 865gbf system it was giving an error message and so i was doing the printing on the 98 system)

I tried the same trick with the other stories in adobe acrobat but then i found that all edit choices on the drop down menu other than the deselect all, repeat deselect all, has been immobilised! I tried the tool for selecting the text and could do it initially. But could not copy. Later i found that the text selection tool has been immobilised.

I tried my xp system to get the adobe document converted into star office but the same problems cropped up there also.

So I gave up adobe documents and tried printing the html stories; this time the printer says there is some thing wrong with the cartridge . I reinstalled it. Now the message was that there is some other problem and the printer refused to go ahead.

ultimately i gave up and now i don't have much of a choice but to read it on my computer screen. And as long as it is on the puter the gestapo (could be a female gestapo) can also enjoy! Have a nice time.

Well, i would like to admit that i really liked the stories and had a rollicking time watching the clits - i really drool! right now i am not finding them very interesting, for obvious reasons; the batteries are completely exhausted and have to be recharged; yes, i am completely shagged out.

Last night i was trying to make a dvd data back up. But when i start writing the dvd only thing that is available is the image writer! I tried putting a dvd data disk into the drive it will not read the disk but the DVD drive will turn into a simple CD drive and will not show the dvd at all.

This is all going on when i am off line and there is no physical connection that i am aware of between my computer and any other system. So the possibility is that the thing is being done wirelessly


i have been looking into this aspect. The main boards that i am using ( this particular one is intel's 865gbf and i have another one 810 for the 98) as far as i know have no built in facility for making a wireless connection. So the system at least initially has to be manipulated physically. And that means my house has been broken into.

I am not surprised; any body can do any thing to me and get away with it. Initially in the nineties they used to break into my house and swap my 2gb hard disk. But were finding it a problem to crack the eight digit password that i have used to protect my documents!

Later they were depending on microsoft mts and such gimmicks and the hacking was from the net. Now it has become wireless manipulations and complete capture of my computer! Technology has really advanced. the gestapo has got access to all sorts of modern gadgets - that must be kind courtesy "the bush" in the white house; the gestapo represents the interpol in india and makes frequent jaunts to foreign countries on various pretexts.

power supply

Now a days it is raining over here and that has become a nice pretext for the gestapo to tamper with the power supply. There has been innumerable breaks in the power supply since thursday. The fact is that the gestapo is thoroughly upset - the dirty tricks are not paying off and the viceman has not yet landed in an asylum or a prison and is still at large. and that in spite of full co-operation from the "relatives"!

One of the immediate precipitating factors could be that my answering machine is on almost always except when the power supply is off – it does not function on batteries but just retains the data till supply is restored. To make things easier in spite of the repeated breaks i have the outgoing message made in to an audio file and saved it on a CD.

So rather than waste battery during the power breakdown i take it off and reinstall it once the power supply is restored and reconnect the machine!

The cd helps for many a time the computer wont boot up and in such an eventuality get the message installed from my dvd player easily.

a real good run for their money

Rest assured i am giving the indian gestapo a real run for their money. Just imagine how many bipeds are being kept busy by a humble simple human being!

gestapo if he or she has got any sense must have realized that he has bitten off more than he/she can chew.



updated 070625

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a "B" type persona

have you ever wished you were born in Denmark ? well; i did, for more than one reason. and that was after listening to some of the podcasts i have down loaded for free from the BBC.

for one thing their social security system is one of the finest. i heard a chap telling the BBC correspondent that he does not want to go to work for he is comfortable with the free bees being doled out by the danish government. the fellow thinks he is better off without a job than when he has one! there is a negative aspect there and i am aware of it; but the balance tips in favour of the positive aspects.

but the real reason for my wishing to be in Denmark right at the moment is some thing else. the government there is making special arrangements for B type persons.

what or rather who is a b - type person? well i am afraid i am one!

i got up at 0200hrs today (or shall i say yesterday? it is already past 0300hrs). of course i slept late. lastnight i had hit the bed about 0400hrs

should i have said, last morning?it is all a bit confusing. in fact for quite some time my clock was was set to green-wich mean time to give a semblance of reasonableness to my hours and days

i am an old man 57 and i was under the impression that as you get older you don't require that much of sleep as you wanted while you were younger. but in my case i still require my eight hours! and getting up before tha allotted quota is finished is an impossible task.

i have two alarm clocks, one red and one white both from titan care of CSD. one of them is kept near my bed and the other at a distance so that i cannot reach it without getting up from bed and there is no question of my stopping it as well and turning over and going to sleep again! and it does help in emergencies.

right now i am not employed and am sitting at home. so i can go to sleep or get up as and when i please. but it was the same even while i was working.

the real fact of the matter is that i don't feel like doing any thing in the morning hours and will drag on till late in the day to start working. the result is late nights which extend to the morning hours. the cycle repeats and it used to be a problem being in time to sign the attendance register! even now when i have some work to be done in some offices or such eventualities it becomes a big nuisance.

my experience is that if i am able to sleep till about noon, that day is going to be a pleasant one for me and i can function at my peak till the early morning hours. then go to bed as the birds start chirping and get up in the afternoon and start the day again afresh!

thanks to the BBC i now know that i am in good company. that way i am indebted to the bbc a lot. for example way back in the early eightees when in the temple festival at temple gate, my birthplace, a train ran over a crowd collected on the rail tracks to watch the fire works, i sitting in a tent in the foot hills of the himalayas, got the information from mark tully. -we could not get all india radio there then. in one of their pod casts, the BBC's denmark correspondent has come up with the fact that some people are genetically programmed to function better during the late hours of the day, the so called B type persons - as opposed to the A type. the Danes want the best out of their people and so are making special arrangements for their B types with offices starting at hours that would ideally suit people like me, of course in parallel to the offices at "normal" hours for the A type. even schools are going to have this system with the B type children going to b type schools and vice versa!

there are other more interesting reasons for one wanting to go to the Scandinavian nations - but i am not that thrilled by the prospects right at the moment. you see, the heart is all excited, but the physique is not very willing. it has nothing to do with ageing - the fact is that your appetite for sex is an excellent barometer of your physical well being - at least that has been my experience. at karamana it was at the lowest ebb and the frequency has increased drastically once i shifted to this house!

well, now it is past 0440hrs and the B type person is feeling sleepy ("manda mandam nidra vannen manasathin maniyarayil chintha thante pon vilakkin thiri thazhthunnu . . . . . . .) and the dusky girl of yonder heavens in her birthday suit staring at me from my desk top is real tempting.

PS. want to see my location in trivandrum? try the google map and click on the red peg you see towards the south east trivandrum.

tail piece :- the pimps are extremely upset by the out going message ADAM is spitting out. early morning it is silenced mostly and by the time i reinstate it after i get up, it is evening; like today(070620) i have just reinstalled it at 1530ist

last updated 070620