Tips Puter 070627


puter tips


i can assure you with one hundred percent certainty my home computers are being net worked wirelessly. i am just a humble user who is under the mercy of the criminal who takes over as the administrator.

i have been getting a lot of crashes and non functioning programs like say the printer not working or the word processor showing two fingers at you and that sort of a thing. after the certain stage the only way out is format the disk partition with the ops and reload the whole thing. and if you have to load the ops and all the applications it is going to take a whole day if not more. you require to do it once in a blue moon; but what about me who has to do it almost fornightly?

well i have evolved a way out. you usually have your ops on drive c meaning the first partition on your hard disk. what i do is after installing the ops and all the applications and even configuring e-mail and net connections and all i install a bare win 98 on another partition (sayD). only thing is that you have to ensure that microsoft back up is also installed.

after booting up from this partition (D) back up the whole c partition on to d or any other partition on the disk other than C. then change over ( how do you do that?) and reboot from partition c and carry on.

once gestapo spoils your system irreparably you reboot from drive D format the drive c fully and open the back up and restore it back on drive C.

now you can reboot and the system will go back to c with all the applications and all ready for use afresh till the gestapo or his pimp damages it again. this reinstallation is over in less than ten minutes. that is less than it will take for you to set up your printer afresh!

what do you think of this technique? (this is all evolved by me out of sheer desperation; i dont have any one to help me in any way) are you aware of any similar techniques ?

the catch is how to effect the change of the choice of booting from one partition to the other at wil - in this case c to d or vice versa! how do you do that? you need only manipulate a small file; i will tell you next time. for now try to find it out yourself.

the snag is that i know how to do it in win 98 and have no idea of any thing similar with XP. could you help me there?

gestapo at it again

well, it need not work always. last night after my printer and all stopped functioning i tried to install this back up on to c drive. i did not have it on the hard disk so i tried using the ms back up file i had saved on a cd.

it is easier to restore the back up from the hard drive. so i tried to copy the ms back up on to one of the hard drive. it went on till there was just ten seconds left and then got stuck. and the whole system got frozen. i had no alternative but to shut down.

i rebooted and tried to install the files from the cd direct. every thing went well till only one file more was there to be copied and again the system got stuck. this time i had formatted the c drive and the root files were lost and so i was in trouble. how do i get out of that.

a way out

rather than use the files from the cd i substituted the cd with second hdd on which the back files were there; rebooted from that disk and restored the files on the first partition of the first HDD.

the printer started working - but that was past 0400 hrs. probably the gestapo had finished his hours on "duty" and had left and i could print out a letter to my former mistress - i will sleep over it now and final decision whether to send it or not will be decided after a fresh look on the matter. want to know the conetents and other details of that letter? ask the gestapo; ring up +91(471)2357704!


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