thou art WELCOME |
Cheriyath Jyothi,
TC 18/1626(2), paraputta lane,
aramada P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram - 695032.
14 december 07
the director of medical education
thiruvananthapuram -695011
dr. cheriyath jyothi, retired lecturer
initiating appropriate proceedings : regarding
A. i am extremely grateful to the director of medical education, kerala for issuing the NLC there by enabling me to draw the full amount of my DCRG on 27 november 2007.
B. i deeply regret to note that, for once, your higly intelligent tactics did not work out as well as it was expected; please do not loose heart.
C. you can still realise the liquidated damages of Rs.20,000/- by initiating appropriate proceedings ( ref. orders of the hon'ble lok ayukta dated 28 september 2007 in C no.1828 of 2007 - last para); and you are most welcome to do so.
( C. Jyothi )
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statutory NOTICE |
Cheriyath Jyothi,
TC 18/1626(2), paraputta lane,
aramada P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram - 695032.
13 december 07
this is regarding the document cooked up by the professor and head of the department of forensic medicine of your institution (signed 17.6.02 ?) and christened enquiry report on me while i was on the staff of the department of physiology of medical college thiruvananthapuram.
I came to know of this enquiry report and the enquiry years later.
the so called orders of the principal appointing the police surgeon as enquiry officer and the fake enquiry were stage managed on the sly by the concerned corrupt officials in a desperate attmept to bail out members of their fraternity.
i have strong reason to believe that the above document is still being used covertly in efforts to pull the wool over the eyes of the decision making authorities and as the trump card in a malicious slander campaign against me by vested interests.
I hereby demand that the above concocted document called enquiry report be declared null and void and the culprits make a public, written apology to me within a week of the receipt of this notice.
(cheriyath jyothi)
retired lecturer in physiology
the principal medical college, trivandrum
speed post(ack due)letter no. EL004614724IN dt 14/12/07 of spc gpocopy to - the director of medical education, kerala
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last updated 071227
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