welcome notice

thou art

Cheriyath Jyothi,
TC 18/1626(2), paraputta lane,
aramada P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram - 695032.


14 december 07

the director of medical education
thiruvananthapuram -695011

payment of liability
dr. cheriyath jyothi, retired lecturer
initiating appropriate proceedings : regarding

A. i am extremely grateful to the director of medical education, kerala for issuing the NLC there by enabling me to draw the full amount of my DCRG on 27 november 2007.

B. i deeply regret to note that, for once, your higly intelligent tactics did not work out as well as it was expected; please do not loose heart.

C. you can still realise the liquidated damages of Rs.20,000/- by initiating appropriate proceedings ( ref. orders of the hon'ble lok ayukta dated 28 september 2007 in C no.1828 of 2007 - last para); and you are most welcome to do so.

( C. Jyothi )

speed post letter no. EL004614738IN dt 14/12/07 of spc gpo

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Cheriyath Jyothi,
TC 18/1626(2), paraputta lane,
aramada P.O.
Thiruvananthapuram - 695032.


13 december 07

this is regarding the document cooked up by the professor and head of the department of forensic medicine of your institution (signed 17.6.02 ?) and christened enquiry report on me while i was on the staff of the department of physiology of medical college thiruvananthapuram.

I came to know of this enquiry report and the enquiry years later.

the so called orders of the principal appointing the police surgeon as enquiry officer and the fake enquiry were stage managed on the sly by the concerned corrupt officials in a desperate attmept to bail out members of their fraternity.

i have strong reason to believe that the above document is still being used covertly in efforts to pull the wool over the eyes of the decision making authorities and as the trump card in a malicious slander campaign against me by vested interests.

I hereby demand that the above concocted document called enquiry report be declared null and void and the culprits make a public, written apology to me within a week of the receipt of this notice.

(cheriyath jyothi)
retired lecturer in physiology


the principal medical college, trivandrum

speed post(ack due)letter no. EL004614724IN dt 14/12/07 of spc gpo

copy to - the director of medical education, kerala





online diary

last updated 071227

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cheats habitual


a gist of a statement made by me on 071203

The complaint no.1828 of 2007 was filed in the context of the refusal of the respondents to release the DCRG to the petitioner.

The DCRG of the petitioner has already been sanctioned and there was no dispute on that issue.

The complainant would like to mention in passing that an amount of Rs.98,374/-, almost half of the total amount of gratuity sanctioned to the petitioner, has been paid to the Kerala Government by the complainant on account of the gratuity he received from the indian army.

The orders of the Hon'ble * * * * ** * * * * dated 28 september 2007 makes it crystal clear that the respondents were in the wrong and censures the respondents.

B. However, in spite of the specific directions to the respondents to issue the NLC within one week of the original orders of the * * * * ** * * * *, the respondents ensured that the complainant was not able to draw the NLC from the treasury even after almost two months of the above orders.

The complainant was forced to file an IA no.646 of 2007 on the matter as late as 07 november 2007.

C. The respondents resorted to the most nefarious means to ensure that the complainant was not able to draw the DCRG till 23.11.07:

1. The assertion of the Director of Medical Education (DME), Kerala vide his letter no.0710d/PEN/DME dated 15 october 2007 that the NLC was forwarded to the addl sub treasury vanchiyoor along with the above communication has been proved to be a falsehood by his own communication no.G3-10223/2005/DME dated 07.11.07 addressed to me.

The DME's goose would have been cooked even otherwise for according to very reliable information available to the petitioner, the only registered letter that had gone to the addl. sub-treasury, vanchiyoor, from the directorate of medical education during the period the NLC was supposed to have been sent, was on 30 october 2007 and the same had been delivered safely to the treasury on 02 november 2007.

2. In another false statement, the DME vide their letter no.G3 -10223/2005/DME dated 07.11.07 addressed to the complainant claims that the NLC was delivered to the subtreasury vanchiyoor on 16 october 2007.

This claim was promptly negated by the sub treasury officer addl sub treasury vanchiyoor vide their letter no.Pen.408/2007 dated 15.11.07 addressed to the DME.

3. The complainant suggested vide his letter no.0711D/DME/NLC dt. 16 nov 2007 to the DME that rather than wait for the NLC which has gone missing since 15.10.07 a duplicate be issued to the treasury without delay. However this suggestion was not taken cognizance of by the DME.

4. The DME's letter no.G3/10223/2005/DME dated 21.11.07 addressed to the subtreasury officer, vanchiyoor, claims that the special messenger, engaged to ensure that the NLC reaches the vanchiyoor treasury faster than when sent by post, had delivered it to some other treasury “mistakenly”.

The DME also makes an audacious statement that the NLC will be furnished once it comes back from where it has been delivered by the special messenger, perhaps in the context of the petitioner's humble suggestion to issue a duplicate vide his letter no.0711D/DME/NLC dt. 16 nov 2007.

As per their letter no.G3/10223/2005/DME dated 21.11.07 the DME is not aware as to which treasury the NLC has been “mistakenly” delivered.

5. In the latest episode of the drama, there is a sudden turn around; the NLC is claimed to have been sent back to the DME by the sub treasury officer medical college thiruvananthapuram on 23 november 2007 and was delivered to the sub treasury vanchiyoor on the same day.

6.If the story of the wrong delivery of the NLC is to be believed the sub-treasury officer of sub-treasury, medical college, thiruvananthapuram who received the NLC on 15 october 2007 kept it with him for more than a month and then sent it back to the DME on 23 november 2007.

The complainant had been to the concerned subtreasury on 28 november 2007. After introducing himself to the subtreasury officer, sub-treasury, medical college thiruvananthapuram, the complainant showed him a copy of the orders of the Hon'ble * * * * ** * * * * dated 23 november 2007.

The medical college subtreasury officer's contention was that they do not have any record as to when the NLC refered to was received by them and the only document that will show this date will be the acknowledgement in the local delivery book of the office of the sender, the director of medical education.

The complainants information is that there has to be an entry in the register of the sub treasury medical college trivandrum in case of all documents received there on a particular date.

Obviously the subtreasury officer is not bound to provide such details to the complainant; but that is not the situation when the judiciary directs him to do so.

The complainant's previous experiences tells him that the whole drama was enacted in an effort to circumvent the directions the Hon'ble * * * * ** * * * *.

D. And this will not be the first time that the concerned authorities have played dirty tricks to achieve their nefarious ends.

False statements, Fake enquiry reports and Doctored documents have always been the forte of this set up and has been lavishly used in the past also to pull the wool over the eyes of the decision making authorities.

The saddest part of it all is that they have always got away with it; and this experience, the complainant is afraid, has made them bolder.

E. The complainant's experience is, that, caught on the wrong foot, pushed to the corner and subjected to strong censure by the Hon'ble * * * * ** * * * *, the standard response of the respondents will be an effort to side track the main issue by a well orchestrated malicious slander campaign directed against the complainant bolstered with the help of fictitious documents.

The complainant feels that the voluminous file handed over to the Hon'ble * * * * ** * * * * by the respondent in the simple matter of the issue of the NLC and the “mistakenly” delivered letter of the DME is an effort with this end in mind.

The complainant is confident of demolishing every argument of the respondents and it is humbly prayed that the complainant may be given an opportunity to explain the facts in case of the points raised in the above files.

F. The complainant also begs to take exception to the DME's junior superintendent ( a member of the clerical staff) jeering at the complainant in the court on 23 november 2007.

G. Last, but not least, the complainant would like to express his deep sense of gratitude to the Hon'ble * * * * ** * * * * for enabling him to draw the DCRG which the complainant has done on 27 november 2007.

Dated this, the 02nd day of december 2007.

( Cheriyath Jyothi )

work shop

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golden oldies
online diary


the hand of "god"



i got selected for the md course in physiology based on my performance in the pg entrance examination of the corresponding year - based on relative merit i would say, for physiology is not, or was not, a coveted discipline in this place at least and so there is not much of competition. all the same you have to find a place in the selection list; and even after all those years in the wilderness i was able to off hand ensure that my name is in the list - there were many who were washed out.

i was then working in td medical college alleppey and i took one day's casual leave and paid a visit to trivandrum ( replenished my stock of alcohol from the csd canteen) and met the then dme. the lady (who had the misfortune of a character like me sitting in her class) consulted her staff on the matter and assured that i will be accommodated as lecturer trainee as per the existing rules. the charm of the lecturere trainee appointment is that one can work as lecturer and draw the salary and simultaneously do the postgraduation!

on the basis of this verbal assurance from the Director of Medical Education, Kerala (DME) i joined the M.D., course in the Department of Physiology of Medical College, Trivandrum in May 1995. the dme's office in the same complex as the medical college and i used to meet the DME frequently in her office in order to expedite my appointment as lecturer trainee. initially the DME's response was that as soon as a vacancy comes i will be given the appointment.

however after a couple of months waiting the dme had a change of mind and one day told me bluntly "i dont think you will get the appointment" - those were the exact words used.

this was a bolt from the blue for it meant that i will have to forego the privilege available to all serving lecturers who get admission on their own in the discipline they are teaching of simultaneously doing the pg course and working as a lecturer and earning a salary.

with my precarious financial position the only choice available to me would have been to discontinue the course and rejoin duty as lecturer in td medical college alleppey of course with a break in service and the associated bit of embarrassment.

however i did not loose heart and made a representation in person to the then health secretary. convinced of my claim, the secretary was magnanimous enough to waive the orders of the dme and directed that i be appointed as lecturer trainee.

i am not aware of any specific reason for the dme' change of mind on the matter of my appointment. no new rules were introduced in the intervening period and again the fact that the secretary health did issue the orders and as a result i ultimately got the appointment makes it obvious that i was being rough shod over by the dme.

perhaps the dme had her own compulsions. she was extremely nice to me initially and i remember her telling me that i can call her on her personal phone. and i still have a clear picture memory of the meeting with the dme on that fateful day. she conveyed her shocking decision to me and then never looked up at me after that but was going on scribbling something. i waited for some time and then got up and quietly walked out.

what made the dme change her mind ?
the hand of "god" ?


The confidential report on me for the year 1995, my first year as trainee lecturer in medical college trivandrum by the head of the department (HOD) of physiology, was a flattering one. There in, the HOD commended me for my exemplary conduct and punctuality in all matters, praised my extraordinary proficiency in understanding new and difficult matters, resourcefulness and originality in giving suggestions and pursuing them constructively, ability to get systematically to the root of the problems and for my consistently sound and well balanced judgement. Above all the HOD specifically mentioned my keen interest in improving the standard of the practical classes.

the very same HOD in the next year gave me an advrese report and recommended that i be given behavioural therapy.

how come a middle aged male made such a sudden transition ? i have not heard of a male climacteric; have you?! then what could be the reason for the sudden reversal of the HOD's report?

the hand of "god" again?


i challenged the adverse remarks. the authorities were adamant and the result was a series of litigations in the kerala high court. the first writ petition on the matter was decided in my favour.

from the second petition onwards i myself was pleading the cases for the simple reason i could not have afforded the lawyer's fees. i know it is a professional's field but i did not have much of a choice there. the second petition was decided in my favour on my own pleading.

i got the third petition admitted on my own steam. the judge fixed the hearing for saturday, 25 septemeber 2004 and even told me that i could come in the afternoon and that though 25.9.04 was a saturday, the court was going to be in session.

but when i reached the court in the morning itself on 25.9.04 i was told that the case has been heard on 24.9.04 the previous day! as far as my information goes such a change of the dates that is preponing to the previous day and without informing the party concerned is unheard of.

and it is not that the petitioner was not there and so the hearing was postponed - it looks the concerned people were in a hurry and things did happen on that day for sure. the case was sent to the chief justice which for all practical purposes was the end of the petition as far as i am concerned.

the fact of the matter is that the preponing was a carefully manipulated dirty trick aimed to ensure that the i was not present in the court at the time of the hearing so that the opposite party can get away with whatever nonsense they had to, unopposed.

obviously when i was told that the case was to be heard on 25, the presiding judge was not aware of this later turn of events. that means some power had intervened at a later stage and manipulated things.

what or who could that power be ?
the hand of god ?

well, no; not the hand of god ( i do NOT believe in god; if you ask me, i would say that god is man's best invention - i said invention and not discovery.) if not the hand of god, then whose hand is it ? here is the answer:

the power that intervened in all the three cases was
the hand of the gestapo.

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petition under article 32 beta episode00

petition under article 32
beta version

episode 00

The petitioner is a citizen of india by birth and domicile; a law abiding citizen at that, he never had any skirmishes with the law of the land, not even a case of traffic violation in his name, till date.

Over and above a first class degree in biological sciences, he has an MBBS degree from the kerala university and is a registered medical practitioner in modern medicine with permanent registration with the medical council.

The petitioner retired from Kerala Government Service on 30 April 2005 on superannuation at the age of 55 years. At the time of retirement the petitioner was holding the appointment of Lecturer in the Department of Physiology of Medical College Trivandrum.

Prior to his joining the Kerala Government Service the petitioner has served in the Indian Army as a short service commissioned officer from 23 march 1982 to 22 june 1992. The initial five years of his army service was in the rank of a captain and in the the latter five years, the petitioner was holding the rank of a major in the Army Medical Corps (AMC).

The petitioner was given an appointment as Lecturer in Physiology in the Medical Education Service of the Hon'ble Government of Kerala in 1983, after being duly selected for the above post by the Kerala Public Service Commission. The petitioner, who by then was in service in the indian army, was granted extension of joining time by the Kerala Government till the time of his release from the army for joining duty as lecturer as per the above appointment.

The petitioner left his ancestral home for good way back in 1975, and ever since, has been living alone. He has no family, was never married, and during the last thirty two years, he has faced every one of the terrible ordeals of his eventful life all alone, without any help whatsoever from any kith or kin.

The petitioner is not a member of any organization, political, religious or other wise, and has no leanings towards any groups, political parties or ideologies. He is a non-believer and do not worship any deity. The petitioner does not believe in preaching and is a very private person who believes in minding his own business.

Being homeless, the petitioner, ever since his release from the army in 1992, has been living in rented houses, and all through has been managing every thing, including the household chores, on his own. In the course of the last fifteen years the petitioner has lived initially in Chennai in Tamil Nadu for one year and Alleppey in Kerala for the next two years.

In the context of the later happenings, the petitioner would like to point out tht there were no untoward incidents of any sort involving the petitioner while he was residing in Chennai or in Alleppey.

On release from the army after successful completion of the contractual period of ten years, the petitioner joined duty as Lecturer in the Dept. of Physiology of T.D.Medical College, Alleppy in August 1993. The petitioner spent an enjoyable and most rewarding period of nearly two years teaching Human Physiology, both theory and practicals, to the first M.B.,B.S., students of T.D.Medical College, Alleppy. During this period the petitioner was actively involved in all aspects of teaching including lectures and demonstrations as well as setting up of question papers, conduct of examinations and even evaluation of the answer papers, and the petitioner had performed all the duties entrusted to him to the entire satisfaction of his superiors.

Spurred on by his successes in Alleppey which acted as a morale booster for the petitioner who was a novice at teaching, the petitioner made efforts to update his knowledge in human Physiology, a field of science that is making tremendous strides almost daily, in order to be able do better justice to his students.

Based on his performance at the entrance examination for post graduate courses in the medical colleges in Kerala, the petitioner managed to get selection for the M.D., degree course in Physiology. On the basis of a verbal assurance from the then Director of Medical Education, Kerala (DME) that the petitioner was eligible for appointment as lecturer trainee in Physiology, he joined the M.D., course in the Department of Physiology of Medical College, Trivandrum in May 1995. The path was now open for the petitioner to go ahead and complete the postgraduate course which would have brought him almost immediate promotion to the next grade and brightened the petitioner's prospects.

After joining the course the petitioner started his work in right earnest from the very beginning and had some remarkable successes to begin with. The project mooted by the petitioner for the M.D., thesis work with the kind guidance of a research professor in a neighbouring institution was approved by two reviewing bodies of the Hon'ble Government of Kerala after scrutiny by experts in the field. The Science Technology and Environment Committee of the Hon'ble Government of Kerala was kind enough to award a research grant of rupees twenty five thousand to the petitioner for the above project. As far as the petitioner's information goes, this is the first time a postgraduate student in the department of physiology of medical college trivandrum was awarded such a grant.

The confidential report on the petitioner for the year 1995, his first year as trainee lecturer in medical college trivandrum by the head of the department (HOD) of physiology, was a flattering one. There in, the HOD commended the petitioner for his exemplary conduct and punctuality in all matters, praised his extraordinary proficiency in understanding new and difficult matters, his resourcefulness and originality in giving suggestions and pursuing them constructively and the petitioner's ability to get systematically to the root of the problems and for his consistently sound and well balanced judgement. Above all the HOD specifically mentioned the petitioner's keen interest in improving the standard of the practical classes.

When, for once, after ages, the question of revamping the practical records in physiology for the first MBBS course came up, the work on one of the two records, the one in experimental physiology, was entrusted to the petitioner who was one of the least experienced of all the lecturers in the department. And the HOD appreciated the result.

(to be continued)


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you might be wondering why i am putting it all on the net? well, there is a very good reason. my personal home computer has been made into a client of the gestapo's net work and whatever i am doing on my puter is known to the spies. so rather than restrict it to the enemy party, i thought i might as well make it public.

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compare and contrast


recently, people in PNG decided to bury certain humans alive the intelligentsia in TVM also decided to bury a human being alive; that was long back.


my sources tell me that PNG has already done it; and according to a witness one of the Homo sapiens being buried was crying out "mamma" as earth was being shovelled on to him in the burial pit.

however in TVM, they have not yet done it; the intelligentsia of TVM has decided that the fellow's mother should have the privilege of doing the honours of shovelling the earth.

and now comes the most pertinent information: if the mother is not able to do her duty due to debility (she will have to produce a certificate to this effect from one of the head shrinks of thiruvananthapuram ), she can authorise some one else on her behalf.

so why dont you try, and be the NoK ? the reward INR 200,000 is idling in the additional sub treasury vanchiyoor for about two years now! hurry up.


mean while the fellow who is to be buried is having a nice time shooting pBirds and his friend thatichi pathu is getting fatter feeding on the birdy's body.

not only that, the B&**^# B@&&$% recently publicly declared that he is going to approach the supreme court with a petition under article 32 and get the indian gestapo fixed ! typical grandiose delusions, no wonder.

the jocker says that he is on the job drafting the petition and is going to publish the petition in parts, "khandasha" that is serialise it, on his blog. the first episode is to be published within a couple of days he says. must make interesting reading, i am sure.

"by the way, TVM is short for thiruvananthapuram (trivandrum of yonder years); but what is PNG ?"

"oh, PNG ?
PNG is an isotope of phosphorus."

* * *


pathu & the pBird
pathu again
double vision
diary land

070912 honourable men

non compos
mentis !

If you ask me what day is today, i may not be able to tell you; now a days, all my days are sundays. But if you ask me what day was september 25, 2004 i have got the answer ready - it was a saturday!

September 25, 2004 was the day a writ petition, no. 7336 of 2004, filed by me was to be heard in the kerala high court. The presiding judge himself had told me so; that though september 25, 2004 was a saturday the court was going to be in session on that day and even, that i can come in the afternoon - that was very kind of his lordship.

But when i turned up in the court on 25th of septemeber 2004, in the morning itself, i was told that the case has already been called on the previous day, that is 24th of september ! I was aghast; if at all there could be a problem the normal thing is to postpone the case and NOT take it up on the previous day.

What was the reason for this aberration ? I have no idea. But one thing is certain - it ensured that i was not present in the court on the day of hearing.

If the case was postponed, i would come to know of it when i reach the court on 25th and i would have been present on the court on the next stipulated day. But preponing it ( as opposed to postponing - i dont see such a word in the dictionary but i hope you get the point), that too, to a day just prior to the one originally fixed for the hearing, makes it certain that i miss the hearing!

Once bitten, twice shy; i have a case coming for hearing in the lok ayukta on 18 september 2007 against the same officialdom, and, i am worried.


Incidentally WP no.7336 was the third of a series of writ petitions i have filed in the kerala high court on the same matter. ( for elaborate details of the case please go to my home page with geocities and click the link "petitions" ) The first two were decided in my favour and there was no way this, the third one could have gone against me. And, by the way, from the second writ petition onwards it was all jyothi-in- person!

i had a lawyer representing me in the first of the above three writ petitions; but then i realised that the basic strategy of the respondents was to drag on and exhaust me of funds - the respondents get the government pleader to argue their case for free. So, from then on, i decided to do it all on my own; and it worked!

I drafted the second writ petition myself and presented it in the kerala high court and the case was decided in my favour.

WP no.7336, the third one, was again my handiwork and i got it admitted on my own steam and, i am convinced, there was no way this particular petition could have been decided against me.

Now suppose on 24th of september 2004 when i was tricked into missing the hearing, the govt. pleader, who represents the respondents in the above writ petition, requests that jyothi be treated non compos mentis, do you think the court would have agreed ? No way; they are honourable men, No ?

Thank you.

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kshrc 2001
online diary

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latest movie

updated 070915
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i am sure you know what is a crackpot; but do you know what is crakblok?

well, crakblok is a facility provided by an indian isp as a security measure to their dial up net work customers. if you activate this facility your internet account will be tied up with the particular telephone number of your choice. suppose i steal your username and password for tata indicoms dial up connection and try to access the net from my telephone or for that matter any other telephone other than the one you have choosen on the crakblok i will not be allowed to log on to the net.

well; i do have a dial up net work account with tata indicom's vsnl.net. it is not free; i pay them eight rupees for every hour i spend on the net over and above the telephone charges. and i will tell you what happens when i try to use the crakblok facility. we will start, not with presenting compalints but, with past history and it is indeed a more logical way of approaching a problem - that is if it is not a dire emergency!

past history

i stay in a rented house and have to shift house frequently. every time i shift house i have to shift my telephone connection as well and it invariably has a new number at the new place.

when i shifted house in 2006 also i had a telephone with a new number at the new house. before i moved out i forgot to deactivate the crakblok of my internet account. that means that the crakblok will prevent me from accessing the net from my present telephone. all the same i tried just for the heck of it. surprise! i got logged in! how come?

i telephoned the help number of the isp. the gentleman said that the crack block was in place and accepted that there is a snag some where and assured me that they will take up the matter with the telephone company. - that was the last i heard of the incident. in short, my faith in the isp was rather misplaced.

it was by sheer accident that i came to know that the crakblok in my case was for name sake only. there was no way i could have checked it up for i have no human contact over here; and checking up invaribly means using some one else's computer and telephone to try it out.

if i complain to the isp they will pass the blame on to the telephone company and the telephone company will give the information to g. sujathan as evidence of my insanity. so, better keep mum!

the present

the present is not history as yet. after the above incident i was not using the crakblok; what is the point? and in this house also i was not using it. but just like all mad men do, a couple of days back i also heard a voice (auditory hallucination ?) telling me - activate the crakblok!

i obeyed the command; at least i tried to and tried activating the crakblok. well i was not able to. when i try to open the page i could not find the page where the facility is there to enter the telephone number and without a telephone number how can you activate the service ? my conclusion was that the gestapo is not interested in my using the crakblok.

may be i needed help and help came in the form of another voice from the helpline of the isp. the voice tried from the other side and activated the crakblok on my behalf

good, eh? No; bad. from that moment onwards i could not access the net any more though i was dialing from the telephone which was entered by the help desk in the crakblok. how come?

if you ask me, i would say that it is because my telephone is being tampered with and when i use my dial up connection and it reaches the server the telephone number is different from or at least the criteria set by the server to accept it as coming from 2357704 are not satisfied. and i am not allowed to log in. i have told you time and again about the gestapo's proxy server and the net nanny and all.

after a couple of days of not being able to use that net connection, the voice came back to me again. and the voice this time on told me to deactivate the crakblok and try again to connect to the net.

as usual i obeyed the voice. i accessed the net through my bb ( pronounced beeevi) and tried deactivating the crakblok - NO problem. it got deactivated damn fast inspite of my intellectual impairment.

i logged out from bb and tried connecting from the dial up net work with the crakblok deactivated. NO problem at all ! i could log on to the net and that too from the same dial up networking connection through the very same telephone line that was not allowing me to log on till the previous moment.

how come - aisa kyom? i would say that this is almost definite proof that the telephone line is being tampered with. with the crakbok on the indian gestapo cannot make me go through his proxy server and have complete control over my net connection.

oh, dont bother yaaar; it is all the gibberings of a raving lunatic! oh, yes;

I'm MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaD
* * *

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diary land


I'm MaaaaaaaaaaD


"would you like to sit down sir?" that was a young man, must be in his late teens, offering me a seat that became vacant in a public transport bus in which we both were standing passengers. i profusely thanked the youngster and made him take the seat.

some other time, while i was walking back to the bus stop, a paper flew off from my files. a girl (she was in a sari and must have crossed her teens) ran after it and fetched it and gave it to me.

both the above incidents occurred in ernakulam and happened a couple of years back. then why do i bring it up now?

for one thing, if some one does me a good turn i never forget it ( same in case of a bad turn as well ). but the real reason why i brought it up right now is to provide contrast; i was painting the board white - if you write on a white board with black ink it stands out sharp.

last monday, that is exactly one week back i had been to tirumala town looking for some place where i could get my old transistor radio repaired.

( yes, i still listen to the radio; i am almost addicted to the bbc news bulletins and for once there is an india govt. owned set up doing a magnificent job - vividh bharathi .

also, i wonder why people listen to the doordarshan news where there absolutely are no visuals. what is the fun in watching balakrishnan's bearded face? you listen to the pradeshika varthakal which is as good if not better!

well, DD news do have visuals just for the heck of it. if there is a news item on a happening in andhra pradesh you might be able to see a map of andhra with a dot showing hyderabad! does it help you in any way?)

coming back to my trip to tirumala, it looks no one uses the radio hereabouts; at least there was no one in thirumala who would repair my radio. and i was standing by the side of the road, looking up the neighbouring shops in case there is some radio repairer around. and then it happened.

the despicable wretch

some one started hooting the horn from close by. i thought it could be of no concern to me, for i was far away from the motorable part of the road, and so i went on with my business. when the hooting persisted i looked around and lo, there was this great man sitting on his bike standing behind me.

the fellow indicated to me to move off. i hesitated initially but thought better of it and moved off for i did not want to get into an argument and may be an ensuing scuffle.

rather than bothering with the hooting, he could have tilted the handle of his two wheeler by a couple of degrees and gone his way; but not our great man - he owns a motor bike, where as i am on foot! this is the type of behaviour typical of the gentry here in thiruvananthapuram - ill-mannered, ill-bred.

i am not saying that every one in trivandrum is like that; of course, there are exceptions.

"nooorru suputhranmar undavatte"

while walking back to my house on that monday, i was wondering - are the parents of the youngsters, like the ones i met in ernakulam, doing the right thing by their children - teaching them manners and being good and all that?

with the ideas of right and wrong, which many a time the very parents do not practise, drilled into their young mind, i am afraid, it is a no-win situation.

if you follow those principles life is going to be difficult. like, if you dont occupy the seat immediately it becomes vacant, some one else will take it and you will keep standing not only in the bus but all through your life.

what did the young girl gain by being nice to me? do you think the good wishes of an ordinary mortal like me will help her in any way? suppose i bless her that she be the mother of even one fine son, leave alone the one hundred good sons of yonder years ( i am sure she wold'nt want all that one hundred !) will it work out ?

on the contrary, if you go against those principles, again, life is going to be miserable - prick ( no, not that one), of conscience!

who is the one fit for survival ?
those fine youngsters i met a couple of years back or the wretch whom i met last week?

all bloody f*&^ing rot?
dont worry;
" I'm MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaD "
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you cannot keep a jyothi down

i am sure some of you must have you been wondering why i am taking pains to have a home page of my own on my hard disk!

well, the fact is that many of the things you can do on your computer are not allowed on mine. i cannot make bookmarks nor can i add pages to favourites and store pages for offline viewing. you can see all the urls you have recently visited appearing in the drop down from your address column on your browser. none of such things are available on my computer. in short every time i hit my back button the page has to come from the gestapo's server; there is nothing saved in my cache. so the way out is what you see as the so called launch pad in one of my blogs.

i am not allowed to take advantage of the facilities available with a net connection of my own. like last night i tried to make a telephone call from my puter. initially i tried my dial up net connection with tata indicom. i logged on to the net and then started my net telephony connection. as i started dialing the program came up with an error report. actually what happened was that the dial up connection was cut off. could be an accident; possible but not probable. all the same i logged on to the net again and as i started dialing from the net telephony account the net connection was again cut off. this process was repeated four times.

could be that it was a dial up connection and so the bandwidth was not enough so i logged on to my ADSL connection with bsnl and tried the net telephony (which comes from the tata indicom - the fact is that i have a lot of free hours pending with them and so net telephony comes handy for other wise the hours are likely to expire after a fixed time.) inspite of the broad band and all it did not work - this time the net telephony software was telling me "you are already logged in". well it was not me who has logged in for i was not able to use the facility. then who was the one who logged in? any idea?

i rang up the tataindicom's help line. and spent almost half an hour on the line.(luckily this time i could carry on the conversation with the person on the help line for the indian gestapo was not muffling my ear piece as was done on an earlier date). ultimately the gentleman told me he will tell their local representative in trivandum to contact me.

after the conversation i tried logging on again and this time there was no one else already logged in! i could dial and get connected to a number but the person at the other end could not hear me. when i tried the tools for adjusting the mic and the speakers i was told that some one else is using the hardware - the reason for no voice going over to the other side was obvious. so i gave up ultimately and went to bed.

today that is 11 july night i tried again. every thing worked fine and i could talk to a newyork telephone number for ten minutes or so for less than half a dollar! it was the same puter, the same hardware, same software, the same broadband and the same net telephony connection! but this time "no problem"!

between you and me there is no secret!

who was the person in new york i was talking to ? i will tell you; but please dont tell any one else.

i had sent a rather (by my standards) costly present to my girl friend in new york by a registered acknowledgement due letter in may 2007. even after one month the acknowledgement card (for which i have paid the indian postal service almost the same amount as i did on the phone call made today ) has not reached me. i do not blame the post man - how many gerries said no to the gestapo before the war! there was no point sending an e-mail or even a letter. and now that i have the broadband connection and tata's net telephony the easiest and cheapest way out was to make a call from the net phone. and the indian gestapo was throwing a spanner in the works!

may his (her as well) tribe increase

there was nothing i could have done about it. the fact that today i was able to make a call and get an assurance from my girl friend's staff that the present has reached her was just an indication that there still are a trickle of sensible human beings over here - ben adam's tribe has not yet been completely annihilated!

the fraternity

there has been a response to my letter copy of which was published on the web last time. NOT a reply - a pBird has been posted to the tree just adjacent to my bed room and thanks to its shrieks, day before yester day i was forced to get up at 0430 hrs.

there is nothing i can do about it - the birdees keep a safe distance till dusk and then there is not much of a point trying my air gun. so for the last two night i have been sleeping in the spare bed room on the first floor which is on the opposite side of the house. and i woke up yesterday at 1200 and today at 1000 hrs respectively; cool.

you cannot keep the viceman down

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text of another letter despatched vide no.833622 dt 29 june 07 of professional couriers statue trivandrum

Cheriyath Jyothi
TC 18/1626(2), paraputta lane
Aramada P.O
Thiruvananthapuram - 695032,
tele - 2357704


29 june 2007

the principal, medical college trivandrum,
medical college p.o., trivandrum - 695011.

dr. cheriyath jyothi
retd. Lecturer, medical college, trivandrum

A. this is in the context of the communication received by me vide no.G3-10223/05/DME of the director of medical education kerala dated 23.4.2007.

1. i noticed with "glee" that you want me to pay rs.20,000/- as damages because i did not appear for the pg examination. Your audacity is commendable.

2. why just rupees twenty thousand only ? why not two hundred thousand ? And why not stop my whole pension as such?

B. by the way what happened to your plans to get me certified? You have the "inquiry" report by your esteemed predecessor and famous police surgeon g. Sujathan with you. And you can still get the local police to establish that i am a public nuisance and put me in.

you are a great person; you can still do it.

Be bold! for once, come out into the open; come and get me.

( C. Jyothi )

enclosure - copy of my letter no. 0705k/PEN/DME/ dated 25 may 2007
addressed to the director of medical education, kerala.

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last updated 070703



Tips Puter 070627


puter tips


i can assure you with one hundred percent certainty my home computers are being net worked wirelessly. i am just a humble user who is under the mercy of the criminal who takes over as the administrator.

i have been getting a lot of crashes and non functioning programs like say the printer not working or the word processor showing two fingers at you and that sort of a thing. after the certain stage the only way out is format the disk partition with the ops and reload the whole thing. and if you have to load the ops and all the applications it is going to take a whole day if not more. you require to do it once in a blue moon; but what about me who has to do it almost fornightly?

well i have evolved a way out. you usually have your ops on drive c meaning the first partition on your hard disk. what i do is after installing the ops and all the applications and even configuring e-mail and net connections and all i install a bare win 98 on another partition (sayD). only thing is that you have to ensure that microsoft back up is also installed.

after booting up from this partition (D) back up the whole c partition on to d or any other partition on the disk other than C. then change over ( how do you do that?) and reboot from partition c and carry on.

once gestapo spoils your system irreparably you reboot from drive D format the drive c fully and open the back up and restore it back on drive C.

now you can reboot and the system will go back to c with all the applications and all ready for use afresh till the gestapo or his pimp damages it again. this reinstallation is over in less than ten minutes. that is less than it will take for you to set up your printer afresh!

what do you think of this technique? (this is all evolved by me out of sheer desperation; i dont have any one to help me in any way) are you aware of any similar techniques ?

the catch is how to effect the change of the choice of booting from one partition to the other at wil - in this case c to d or vice versa! how do you do that? you need only manipulate a small file; i will tell you next time. for now try to find it out yourself.

the snag is that i know how to do it in win 98 and have no idea of any thing similar with XP. could you help me there?

gestapo at it again

well, it need not work always. last night after my printer and all stopped functioning i tried to install this back up on to c drive. i did not have it on the hard disk so i tried using the ms back up file i had saved on a cd.

it is easier to restore the back up from the hard drive. so i tried to copy the ms back up on to one of the hard drive. it went on till there was just ten seconds left and then got stuck. and the whole system got frozen. i had no alternative but to shut down.

i rebooted and tried to install the files from the cd direct. every thing went well till only one file more was there to be copied and again the system got stuck. this time i had formatted the c drive and the root files were lost and so i was in trouble. how do i get out of that.

a way out

rather than use the files from the cd i substituted the cd with second hdd on which the back files were there; rebooted from that disk and restored the files on the first partition of the first HDD.

the printer started working - but that was past 0400 hrs. probably the gestapo had finished his hours on "duty" and had left and i could print out a letter to my former mistress - i will sleep over it now and final decision whether to send it or not will be decided after a fresh look on the matter. want to know the conetents and other details of that letter? ask the gestapo; ring up +91(471)2357704!


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