the fax report above says that the message has been sent successfully. but my past experience is that it does not mean anything - it could be one way or the here is the original letter for wide publicity.
i have splashed it all over the web.
Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,
valayil, kizhakkambalam P. O. , aluva – 683562.
No. jy2010/rti/22m September 06, 2010.
The Kerala State Information Commission,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695039
CP No.364(5)/2010/SIC
the complainant is grateful to the commission for permitting him to be present at the hearing on CP No.364(5)/2010/SIC on 06.09.2010 vide their No. 3645/SIC-Genl/2010 and deeply regrets his inability to be present at the hearing in view of the “hadthal” starting from the midnight of 06/07 and the very high chances of his getting stranded which he can ill afford in view of his fragile health and precarious financial status.
he would beg to submit as follows in view of the ensuing hearing:
A. The complainant vide his No. jy2010/rti/22k dated 17.8.2010 has already expressed his view on the matter in the context of the SPIO's contention that the document requested for is not available.
B. However in case of a change in the stance of the police during the hearing the complainant would expect that he will be given a chance to respond to that before the SIC makes a decision on the matter of his complaint.
yours faithfully
(C. Jyothi )