last modified 20110320_0650 gmt

Man is a social animal. An individual becomes part of society to protect his interests; in turn, the individual also has certain obligations towards the society.

If the society refuses to keep its part of the bargain the individual no more has any responsibilities towards such a society.

I am a citizen of india by birth and domicile. The constitution of india has endowed me with my fundamental rights which are supposed to be sacrosanct. But my life and liberties are being trampled upon with impunity.

As a citizen the constitution guarantees me the right to move the courts to restore my fundamental rights – that is irrespective of the fact whether I am pleading in person or have engaged a lawyer.

All that I am asking for is a fair hearing in the open court. But I am being denied this right that is available to every citizen in the country on one flimsy pretext or other. The very people who are getting paid to dispense justice are bending over back wards to bail out the culprits.

The basic tenet of the judiciary being thrown to the winds the deterrent effect of the fear of getting punished is not there. The result is that my personal life is being ransacked by all and sundry with impunity.

I have to wriggle out of this impasse one way or the other.

The only opening I find is to provoke the non-violent “sathyagrahees” into action one way or the other – tease them, taunt them, insult them; do just any thing that will make them come out into the open and retaliate. And I am making a serious effort in that direction.

I have been doing all sorts of things, things which I would not have even dreamed of under normal circumstances. I am desperate - desperate situations warrant desperate remedies.

By the way, you cannot eat the cake and have it. the very pretext that is being used by the secret police to ransack my personal space is a double edged sword. As matters stand nowI can do any thing ( even murder ) and get away with it . I am determined on making the best of a bad situation.

I do not believe in putting up with nonsense. Dont ever think you can dictate terms to me; it will not work out that way. your veiled threats have been taken note of; "galthi ho gaya maaf kar de" ? me ! not on my life.

just leave me alone and things will go back to normal. Otherwise, things are going to get from bad to worse ( and further ). Don't blame me; you are asking for it.

Personal anthem

" So distantly i turn to view, the shamblings of that motley crew;
those souls that lack the strength mine has, steeled in the school of old aquinas.

where they have crouched and crawled and prayed,
i stand, the self doomed; unafraid, friendless, fearless, alone.
indifferent as the herring born; firm as the mountain ridges,
where i flash my antlers in the air."

* * *

member of the indian pakkichi service
killed in action on 20110315 in field KZH