right to information act 2005 - again on!

letter returned undelivered


From exhibits legal

From exhibits legal

From exhibits legal

the above are the pictures of the cover of a letter as it was returned to me undelivered after about a month of my sending it. the sender and the addressee were both within thiruvananthapuram

the veracity of the recepient's address can be verified by going to this site http://www.kerala.gov.in/dept_home/list.htm   Such an address does exist at least on the web.

when a member of the public (
by the way MY NAME IS VERY FAMILIAR TO THESE JOKERS and it will definitely ring a bell )   addresses a letter to the information officer the content is obvious to any one who has heard of RTI act 2005.  the procedure to deal with such a request is also clearly made out in the above act.

then how come it was returned to me undelivered ?

it is not that, over here in this country,
some people are above the law;

and there is nothing an ordinary mortal like me  can do about it;
it is all a sheer waste of time and energy.

but there is one thing that becomes very obvious:

these jokers have something to  hide

 don't you think so?

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the Indian Pakkichi Service

From pBird IPS
this hon'ble member of the indian pakkichi service has not
yet been introduced into my present location at least not on a very large scale  - could be the terrain is unsuitable or may be presence of predators other than me.
the greens and the yellows are there. the locals may not be familiar with them and here are the close ups.

From pBird IPS

From pBird IPS

because of the thick foliage it is impossible to aim and shoot over here and my air gun has been rusting!
but here is a link to the old martyrs


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